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“下下周”英语怎么翻译?“next next week”大错特错!

100次浏览     发布时间:2025-03-07 00:42:02    

当我们想要在英语文章中吸引读者注意,关于“下下周”的正确表达无疑是一个亮点。想象一下,你正在撰写一篇关于未来计划的文章,标题可能是这样的:“Planning Ahead: What to Look Forward to in the Week After Next”。这样的标题既准确又引人入胜,让读者一目了然地知道文章将讨论的是未来更远的时间点。


正确的英文表达是“the week after next”。这个短语清晰地传达了“下下周”的含义,即从现在算起,跳过下周的那个星期。例如:

  • I have an appointment with the doctor the week after next.

week by week是什么意思?

“Week by week”是一个副词短语,用来描述某事物随时间(特别是每周)逐渐变化或发展的过程。它强调了一个持续且渐进的过程。例如:

  • The project is progressing week by week.


  • As the season progresses, the team's performance improves week by week.

around the clock是什么意思?

“Around the clock”是一个副词短语,意思是“不间断地”或“全天候地”。它通常用来描述某种活动或服务是连续不断的,没有休息时间。例如:

  • The hospital provides around-the-clock care.


  • Police officers are patrolling the streets around the clock to ensure safety.

call it a day/night是什么意思?

“Call it a day”或“call it a night”是一个习语,意思是“结束一天(或一夜)的工作或活动”,通常带有一种轻松或满足的语气。它暗示着某人已经完成了当天(或当晚)的任务,可以休息了。例如:

  • After a long day at work, she decided to call it a day and go home.


  • The team had been practicing for hours and finally decided to call it a night.
