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英语俗语10:Keep Something At Bay

100次浏览     发布时间:2024-11-23 10:20:06    


Keep Something At Bay.

“Keep something at bay” means to control something and prevent it from causing problems. If you keep something at bay, you appear to be in control of the situation. English speakers say either "keep at bay" or "hold at bay.".Here is an example: “By eating healthy and exercising regularly, she tries to keep illness at bay.”


Keep Something At Bay(阻止某件不愉快的事对你造成伤害)。

“Keep something at bay”指的是控制某事并防止其引发问题。如果你“keep something at bay”, 你看起来控制住了局面。英语使用者常说“keep at bay”或“hold at bay”。例句:"By eating healthy and exercising regularly, she tries to keep illness at bay!(通过健康饮食和定期锻炼,她尽量让自己不生病。)”
