once in a blue moon
该习语的字面意思表示“每次出现蓝月亮的时候”,主要用来喻指“very rarely”,即“极为少见”,相当于汉语里的“千载难逢;百年不遇;难得一次;鲜有发生;极其难得”。
It's only once in a blue moon that you get an opportunity like that.
What does it matter what your uncle thinks of you? He only visits you once in a blue moon.
Stamp collecting is interesting, but you find a valuable stamp only once in a blue moon.
I have almost forgotten what Jack looks like. I see him once in a blue moon now.
不过,该习语在中世纪时期的英国其实是表示“impossible”,即“不可能”,比如当时奇切斯特(Chichester)的主教William Barlow在《the Treatyse of the Buryall of the Masse》(1528年)中就曾这么写道过:
"Yf they saye the mone is belewe,
We must beleve that it is true."
过了几个世纪之后,once in a blue moon才开始用来表示“very rarely”,比如《猫和老鼠》的作者皮尔斯·埃根(Pierce Egan)在其作品《Real Life in London》(1821年)中这么写道:
"How’s Harry and Ben? - haven’t seen you this blue moon."