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100次浏览     发布时间:2024-12-10 10:49:36    

How do we overcome the enormous challenges that confront us? 我们应该如何克服所面临的巨大挑战?

What kind of discount do we get? 我们能拿到多少折扣/我们买东西有多少折扣?

I love this job. 我太爱这份工作了。

He is just goofing around. 他只是在附近闲逛。

Why did he need two assistants? How lazy is he? 他为什么需要两个助理?他是有多懒?

Would you please go? 拜托你走吧!

Someone left their book here. 有人把书忘记了。

What are you reading? 你在看什么书?

Can you dance at all? 你到底会不会跳舞?

I’m so glad you guys like it. 你们喜欢我很高兴。

You really think that what he meant? 你真觉得他是这个意思?

She seemed so happy. 她看起来好幸福。

What do you think this means? 你觉得这是什么意思?

He’s just really romantic. 他只是非常浪漫。

Congratulations on your first week at your new job. 恭喜你新工作的第一天。

It won’t be long before you’re the boss. 要不了多久你就会当老板了。

You know who will be there to support you? 你知道到时候谁会支持你吗?

It’s nice to have a friend like you. 有你这样的朋友真好。

It was so obvious! 这是在太明显了!

It was like you were marking your territory. 你像是在划地盘。

I would never do that. 我绝不会那么做。

I know what’s going on here. 我知道这是怎么回事。

He explained it all to me. 他和我解释过了。

Don’t you see what’s happening here? 你难道没看出来怎么回事吗?

You ok over there? 你还好吧?

How did your dancing class go? 你舞蹈课上得怎么样?

I knocked over a girl. 我撞到了一个女孩儿。

I’ve got something for you. 我有东西要给你。

I’m crazy about you. 我太喜欢你了/我为你疯狂。

I don’t read as many books as you do. 我不如你读的书多。

I care about my friends and family. 我关心我的朋友和家人。

Show them how it’s done. 给他们看看是怎么做的。

Did you have fun last night? 你昨晚玩儿的开心吗?

Look what I got? 看看我拿到了什么?

She’s a business woman. 她是个做生意(职场)女人。

We’re window shopping. 我们在逛街。(只逛不买叫window shopping)

I’m gonna spend some alone time. 我要独处一下。

This whohe thing is really hard for me. 整件事对我来说太难接受了。

We’ve been together for almost a year. 我们在一起快一年了。

There’s no reason to be jealous. 没有必要嫉妒/吃醋。

I gotta get going. 我得走了。

I’ve got to pick up my son. 我得去接我儿子了。

I’ve got a date this afternoon. 我今天下午有约。

Is she married? 她结婚了吗?

Are you jealous? 你眼红吗?

I just don’t see why she has to play with you. 我只是不明白她干嘛非得和你玩儿。

You work in a dinner? 你在餐厅工作?

You wanna get a hamburger or something? 想不想一起吃个汉堡什么的?

I don’t know if that’s a good idea. 我不知道这样好不好。

What time do you think you’re gonna get off tonight? 你今晚几点下班?

I don’t know, it could be really late. 我不知道,可能会很晚。

Oh, come on, not again? 拜托,怎么又这样?

I’ll make a deal with you,ok? 我们做个约定好不好?

I wanna be supportive of that. (关于某事)我很愿意支持你。

Somebody got in late last night. 有人昨晚很晚才回来哦。

Well, I ran into her yesterday. 哦,我昨天碰到她了。

We talked for a little while. 我们聊了会儿天。

We went out for dinner. 我们一起去吃了晚餐。

Are you gonna see him again? 你还会和他见面吗?

She spent the last six months getting over him. 她用过去的六个月忘记了他。

It’s not a date, ok? 这不是约会,好吧?

Are you just getting in from work? 你才下班回家?

How was your day? 你今天过得怎么样?

How often do you read it? 你经常看这本书吗?

Haven’t you ever read the same book over and over again? 你从不会反复地读一本书吗?

What’so great about the book? 这本书有什么特别之处吗?

I bet this book is way better than that one. 我觉得这本书比那本好多了。

Well, we’ll just see about that, ok? 哦,我们走着瞧,好吧?

Anybody want anything to drink? 有人想要什么喝的吗?

Why don’t you come with me? (实际上是委婉的表达)跟我来。

That won’t be necessary. 不用了/没必要了。

You could buy me something pretty. 你可以给我买漂亮点的礼物。

I don’t see how he could ever forgive him. 我看他永远不会原谅她了。

I think he gets a crush on you. 我觉得他喜欢你。

Why are you laughing? 你们笑什么?

Could you pass me those cookies? 能把饼干递给我吗?

I’ve been thinking a lot about you too. 我也很想你。

I do think it’s better this way. 我觉得这样比较好。

I have a blind date with my sister’s neighbor next Tuesday. 我星期二要我妹妹的邻居相亲。

Do you want me to cancel it? 你希望我取消吗?
