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1.Deeds are better than words. 行动胜于言语

2.Practice makes perfect.孰能生巧

3.It is never too old to learn.活到老,学到老

4.Knowledge starts with practice.实践出真知

5.Well begun is half done.好的开端是成功的一半

6.Knowledge is power .知识就是力量

7.Money is not everything .金钱不是万能的

8.Every man has his price.天生我才必有用

9.Take time while time is,for time will away.机不可失时不再来

10.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.有志者事竟成

11.Where there is a will there is a way.有志者事竟成

12.Lost years are worse than lost dollars.一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴

13.One minute on the stage needs ten years practice off stage .台上一分钟,台下十年功
