先说说现在分词和过去分词。现在分词常有主动的意思,过去分词(限及物动词)常有被动意思。比如“I received a letter written in green ink.”这里信是“被写”,所以用 written,要是说“I saw a boy writing a letter.”,男孩是主动“写”,就用 writing。再看“Is there any magazine devoted to the study of English?”杂志是“被用于”英语研究,用 devoted。
不及物动词的过去分词有点特别。一般它只含主动意思,作修饰语时大多放前面。像“I saw fallen flowers on water.”就错啦,应该是“I saw flowers falling on water.”或者“I saw fallen flowers on water.” 不过也有极少数不及物动词过去分词可放后面,像“In days gone by we were happy at home.”
分词修饰短语里,动作先后也有讲究。如果短语动作在谓语动作之前,得用完成分词。例如“Having taken breakfast, they went to school.”要是说成“Taking breakfast, they went to school.”就不对,吃早饭这个动作在上学之前,得用 Having taken。
还有哦,修饰语得贴近它修饰的部分,不然就乱套了。“Flying over our heads, we could see some sabrejets.”就错得离谱,飞机飞在头上可不是用来修饰“我们”的,正确的是“We could see some sabrejets flying over our heads.”
最后要小心“不连接的分词”。“Sailing on and on the new world was discovered.”这个句子里 sailing 没和句子里任何词搭上边,就像个没头苍蝇。改成“Sailing on and on Columbus discovered the new world.”就对了,让 sailing 去修饰 Columbus。